o the east of Vallauris ,the old town of Antibes is also a must do visit and only a 15 minute drive from our bed and breakfast. Visitors immediately fall in love with this beautiful fortified town, guarded by the Fort Carré.
The ramparts house the Picasso museum, whose gardens offer a stunning view of the sea and the Alps. Stroll through the cobbled streets, visit the covered provençale market, dine in a choice of great restaurants.
Port Vauban houses the most incredible yachts, notably those berthed along the Millionaire’s quay.
A drive around the famous Cap d’Antibes offers spectacular views of the coast and some very expensive real estate. Of interest is the small port of the Salis, the chapel of the Garoupe, the Thuret gardens, and the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, a world class luxury hotel.
The beach of “La Garoupe” has a gorgeous setting, with the walled town of Antibes, the sea and the often snow capped mountains in view. From here starts the 2 hour walk along the coastal path “Chemin des Douaniers”, also known as Sentier de Tire-poil. This close to nature pathway needing walking shoes, takes you past all the little creeks of the Cap d’Antibes and alongside huge private properties including the Chateau de la Garoupe, Chateau de la Croé and the Villa Eilenroc, the last of which is open to the public.
Just on the other side of the Cap d’Antibes is the lovely resort town of Juan les Pins, known for it’s beaches, shops, Casino, nightlife, jazz festival and the Hotel Belles Rives where F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the Great Gatsby.